Differences Between Systems

A3200 and Automation1 have many differences between them.

Platform Architecture

A3200 is a PC-based controller that was installed and used under Windows operating systems in a real-time kernel. If you purchased the Remote license option, the A3200 software operated on a remote client and server configuration. If you purchased a license without the Remote option, all the A3200 software was run on the same PC.

Automation1 is different because it has two parts: Automation1-MDK and Automation1-iSMC. Automation1 also has PC-based controllers and drive-based controllers. You can run the two parts of Automation1 on all of the device configurations that follow:

  • The same PC (local connection).
  • Two different PCs (remote connection).
  • An electrical device. This device configuration applies only if you are using drive-based controllers.

See the Platform Architecture page.

Because the iSMC and MDK are two different types of software, you might need to upload files or data to the iSMC and also download files or data from the iSMC.


The Automation1 .NET API and C API are almost the same as the A3200 .NET Library and C Library. But the interfaces are different. You must rewrite your custom applications for Automation1. Many of the API concepts from A3200 apply to Automation1. Thus, most of the changes to your custom applications will include finding the new location or name of a specific API call.